The Region has taken a new step in the journey of making the Eucharistic Lord known, loved and adored by everyone. The adoration at Balasore Bishop's House was conducted in a small temporary chapel for one year by the lay people. Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Thiruthalil, the bishop of Balasore requested the SABS to take up the adoration for the good of the diocese. The intention of starting adoration in this chapel is to pray and intercede for the whole diocese and for the whole world."Put your trust soley in God, so that even if you were to lose everything you should find all in Him"
The sisters were ready to accept the invitation and two sisters Sr. Elizabeth Koyickal and Sr. Teresina Thottamattam were set apart for this mission to adore the Lord from morning till evening. Our sisters started perpetual adoration at Balasore on 1 November 2013. Every day the adoration starts with the Holy Mass and concludes with the evening prayer with the bishop, fathers and sisters of nearby communities. On 27 December 2013 a new chapel was blessed and inaugurated by Rt.Rev. Dr. Simon Kaipuram.The Adoration chapel and the presence of the sisters made a lot of difference in the diocese itself. Many parishioners and even Hindu brethren come to this chapel and pray and they request our prayers also.