Our apostolate in the field of education is a call to take part in the teaching mission of the church. In our schools, we foster an atmosphere conducive to sharing the Eucharistic spirit and help the evangelization process. We help the students to develop all their talents and to form integrated, healthy personalities for a better future. We inculcate in them a civic sense, patriotism and a spirit of universal brotherhood. We also teach them how to lead a goal–oriented life, upholding noble principles and lofty ideals and positively respond to the challenges of the contemporary world. We aim at the spiritual and temporal betterment of families, villages and even nations through the education of girls. We conduct educational institutions raging from kindergarten to colleges, including technical institutions and hostels with a view to achieve spiritual and temporal progress of the people of God.
“By establishing schools for girls, you can renew and improve families, territories and nations and draw them closer to God more effectively” (Bishop Thomas Kurialacherry).
The students are encouraged to practise secular and ethical values in an atmosphere where every creed and faith coexists in harmony. We inspire our students to be just and ethical citizens and train them to be principled leaders of tomorrow. For the fulfilment of this we have schools and hostels of our own where we try to inculcate in them these values. We also cooperate with the dioceses in running the schools with this purpose.
In accordance with our founder’s vision, we impart spiritual values along with academical lessons to mould young generations into good citizens of the kingdom of God. We learn from Jesus Christ, the greatest teacher the art of teaching and the sense of commitment. The teacher’s life deeply rooted in sacrificial love and holiness, is the most influencing force in the life of the student.