Our main apostolate is Eucharistic apostolate. It is to foster eucharistic devotion in others through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We try to attract the faithful to offer true worship to the Lord by our active participation in the Holy Eucharist and ardent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Each province is having perpetual adoration houses in order to offer constant adoration to the Holy Eucharist. Also, sisters take turns for adoration to have a continuous presence before the Lord. We conduct 13 hours and 1-hour adoration in parishes in order to instill devotion to the Blessed Sacrament among the faithful."In your steadfast love, you led the people. Ex.15:13"
Through our active involvement in the parish ministry, we help the people to grow in their faith and to lead a sacramental life. With the intention of family renewal and women empowerment, we engage in-home visits and conduct welfare programs.
We cooperate in the efforts of the church in the formation of the youth by instilling in their deep love and fidelity to the church by enabling them to dedicate themselves to the mystical body of Christ. Remembering our founder’s teaching that “the root cause of all evil in the society is the ignorance about God”, we consider teaching catechism as a golden opportunity to proclaim the word of God. In all the parishes where ever we are, our sisters actively participate in teaching catechism to the students, prepare them for the first Holy Communion, Youth activity, conducting marriage courses, seminars, etc with a view to spread our chariam, Divyakarunya Bhakti.