Healing Ministry

“He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and heal” (Lk 9:2). The main goal of our healing ministry is to make the world convinced of the value and sanctity of human life as a precious gift from God, and to induce them to treat the human life from conception to natural end with deep respect and care. Seeing the face of Jesus in the physically, mentally and spiritually wounded we make them feel the compassionate presence and touch of the Eucharistic Lord and give them healing and life, peace and salvation. Following the footsteps of the Divine Samaritan, the physician of body and soul, we commit ourselves to this ministry with tenderness and compassion.

It is the holy Eucharist that provides with the energy and spirit of self-sacrifice to care for the sick and suffering, seeing the face of Christ in them. Our sisters take care of the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the sick and show special concern and compassion to the poorest and the most abandoned. We help the dying to leave this world in peace and to face death with hope and trust in the eternal life.

We run hospitals, dispensaries and primary health centres, to take care of the sick through curative and preventive methods. We have mobile clinics and palliative care centres attached to the hospitals to care for the terminally ill such as cancer and AIDS patients. We also run nursing schools and conduct training programmes to prepare personals in the healing ministry.