“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28: 19). The goal of all our efforts of evangelization is to build up communities that experience the living presence of the Eucharistic Lord. “I am with you always, yes, to the end of times” (Mt 28:20). Guided by the Holy Spirit we become a witness to Christ through our prayerfulness, holiness and active apostolate. We are engaged in missionary activities taking into account, mainly the needs of the Church. We keep a respectful attitude to the spirituality and culture of the people among whom we live, preserving the integrity of our own faith. We work among the poor, sick, illiterate, oppressed and needy brethren in underdeveloped areas, sharing the fruits of our charism and leading them to the Eucharistic Lord. Enthused by the Spirit of the congregation to make the Eucharistic Lord known, loved and adored by the whole world, the sisters extended their services to the states outside Kerala.
Likewise, we opened houses in North India and started missionary activities to bring the good news to the people who have never heard of Jesus Christ. The SABS render their services in almost all the states. A good number of candidates belonging to the different cultures, languages and countries are the signs of the growth of our mission.
The fruitful missionary activities in India inspired us to venture in to the whole world to make known the compassionate love of the Eucharistic Lord. We are fully immersed in the care of the sick and together with the local church we take pastoral care in many parishes of Germany and Italy for the past 50 years. We have started our apostolic mission in USA, UK and Ukraine too.
As the long-cherished desire of our superiors we have opened houses in Kenya and Tanzania in 1995 in service of the Lord. Now it has become a separate province. Also we are extending our services in many other places in Africa and South America . Our sisters do pastoral work and Eucharistic adoration in many a place outside Kerala. Thus the Eucharistic Lord is being known, loved and adored by our humble services. The mission and vision of our beloved founder and Mother Chantal and the missionary mandate of the congregation will be fulfilled with our renewed enthusiasm and spirit.