Xavier Bhavan Chakradharpur

"The Church has always recognized that education is an essential dimension of her mission within the Church, however, concrete persons have a specific duty."


Rt. Rev. Bishop Felix Toppo invited the SABS Sisters to collaborate with his priests in the field of education in St Xavier's School Potka under Chakradharpur Parish in the Diocese of Jamshedpur. The newly constructed convent was inaugurated on 18 July 2015. Parents and the people of Chakradharpur deeply appreciate and admire the presence of SABS Sisters in the school. They feel safe and secure to send their girl children to school.

It's a notable thing that in each classroom out of 60 children, 15 to 20 students are Christians. So, the aim of our superiors is to make CKP a fertile land for vocation. Our dream is to get good vocations from this belt. We are happy to teach catechism in the school every Thursday and Friday and thus to plant the seed of Eucharistic love in the hearts of the coming generation. Also, we find happiness in visiting the houses of our parishioners and attending B.C.C prayer meetings.